Run Your App on Your Web Site !

Stream Mobile Apps In The Browser

Your App, Before the App Store

-- Anyone with a browser can run your app --

Host your app on our service, and anyone, anywhere, with any device having a normal browser can run your app. It can then run via browser on iPhones, Android devices, laptops, and desktops. No plugins, Java, or special software are needed by the user -- just a normal browser. No modifications are needed to your native app.

You can make your app available to world -- right away -- whether or not it is already on an app store.

You can make your app available in an iFrame on your web site, or any web site such as social media sites. If a social media site prohibits iFrames, you can just affix a link to your app onto artwork.

Also, our service is secure, with world-class military-grade encryption, so that you can make your app available only to the audience you desire, from a special small set of users to the whole world, and anything in between that you choose.

-- Perfect for tech-support departments --

You can upload all iOS and Android versions of your apps, making each available to your support personnel via a link on your own web page.

You can set it up so that customer ID's, logins, or other information is pulled into the app from the URL. You can set up your app to skip to a particular state. You can e-mail the URL in the ticket to the support person. This way, your staff does not have to spend time typing customer information into the app or navigating to the point of interest in the app. They would just click and be where you want them to be.

Also, our service allows your support person and the customer both to interact with the same running instance of the app. Your support person can show the customer directly how to operate the app, and the customer can directly show where he or she is running into any problem.

Upload your app whether or not it is already in an app store, and show it to the world -- to anyone, anywhere, on any device with a normal browser.

Put the app in an iFrame on your web site for visitors to try it, or offer a simple link to your app.

Put a link to it in your advertisements or in e-mails for users to try.

Demo it for people.

Let them interact with it as you demo it to them, showing them how it works and how great it is.

Upload it and let people test it and give you feedback as early in the process as you want. You don't have to upload it to an app store first.

Use it to promote what you are doing. Put it in an iFrame on social media or on your web site.

Allow your customers to try your app safely in any browser from any device, without having to install it, or in many other demo related activities.

An Android phone user can run your iOS app, and an iOS user can run Android Apps.

We currently run Apple iOS and Android Apps (the real apps, the actual apps), with no lines of code changes by the developers, no libraries (SDKs) added to the build, and nothing unsafe used in the browser: no Flash, no Java, no plugins, no downloads, just safe HTML5!

After you upload an app, the submission has a "Ticket number" that is used in URLs to cause the app to install , set parameters, launch, wait for disconnect, delete all app files, then delete the app itself. The demo servers at the top of this page are merely playboxes with a token amount of test apps.

The Actual App-Casting technology supports smooth multiple shared user collaboration (up to 4 people at a time), video game speeds, bandwidth optimizations, and many other technical features.

Extreme accuracy GPS is supported, as well as optional forced GPS from URL parameters, and all sessions feature no-authorization-needed semi-GPS (geolocation via IP).

Parameters to defaults preferences can be passed into apps from the URL, for iOS and Android. It uses NSUserDefaults for iOS, and a convenient xml pref file in "/shared_prefs" for Android. Simple!

There are no actual iOS or Android phones at the server, because it employs device emulation. This reduces costs.

The apps have full internet access while active, other than port 25 relay. All file and port activity is forensically logged except keystrokes.

The apps are real actual apps, capable of accessing all of iOS and Android OS!

When in an iFrame you can use custom preview icons, custom words in launch text, custom art frame borders, and more.

Most of our core technology is complete, as demos show, with less challenging billing management dashboards and client GUI remaining

Our cloud is a private cloud using non-shared machines for utmost security. The computers are 100% controlled by RunThatApp.

https security using extreme 256-bit AES is fully supported for all transmitted data including video feed, and also works in https iFrames.

Beta testing of our services has been extraordinary, with over 75 different countries uploading apps, and 150 different countries enjoying running the uploaded apps.

Older semi-solutions use real hardware, or use fake "Web Apps" generated by rewriting an App in a cross platform library which creates a limited Semi-Native App, or a crippled Web App. We are not running mere generic output web-apps.

Another semi-solution such as Google App Streaming will require a special Android browser, on a recent Android device, displays only certain Android Apps, runs only on WiFi in USA, not on Tablets, and additionally only if Google App 5.4.24 or later is installed on your phone. We have ZERO requirements. Any browsers, Any device, Any App, Anywhere.

Many internet businesses and solutions can be built atop this basic level of technology we offer. Plugging into collaborative large Tech Support phone centers and user-participating Sales Teams presentations were our initial focus.

Quick & Easy Upload

Cheap to use, Easy to upload, Easy to share. Countless Try Before Buy or Beta Test uses exist. Let your development ideas come to life with Actual App-Casting.

Private, High-End Demos

Your app is streamed from our secure servers, and the client does not have to worry about things put on their phones, and you don't have to worry about Investors or Testers keeping copies of your creations on their devices.

Works In Every Browser

Our platform is designed to work on every device, every smart phone, every tablet, and every modern browser. Reach potentially unlimited numbers of customers with your demos. Stream Apps interactively with no limitations.

Contact Us for Investor Info

Please contact us via email for investment oriented information and phone contacts.
This entire Actual App-Casting high-tech startup was designed for rapid expansion, very low cost overhead, unique competitive advantages, and diverse income opportunities.